Horse Forms

Please note there will be a price rise from 1st August for all horse fees including licences BUT purchase before 31st July 2024 and pay the 2023/24 prices!!

*Fees listed below are at 23/24 rates.


Register a Horse 

There are two types of Lifetime Registration available for horses.

Full Horse ($177.43*) – For competitive horses permitting participation in equestrian competitive activities.

Base Horse ($20.00*) – For horses Jumping below 1.05m at official Show Jumping competitions & for owners who would like horse registrations for the purpose of bio security or for securing a name. 

Only current financial members are able to register horses and all horses must have a microchip number.

If you want to compete in "official" or "graded" competitions your horse will need full registration and a competition licence for that discipline. You must purchase multiple licences if you compete in multiple disciplines. Competition licences are renewed annually with your membership.

Horses must have Full registration to hold competition licences. If your horse is Base registered and you need to upgrade to Full registration the original Base registration certificate must be returned to the ESA office and the fee difference ($157.43) for Full registration paid and a new certificate will be issued for the horse. 

Registering a horse with Equestrian SA enables the owner to accquire a valid competition licence, allowing that horse to participate in above the line activities. The certificate of registration is a means of identifying the horse and establishing ownership of the horse for competition purposes only. Before you submit a registration application for your horse, please ensure that the following information is complete. Incomplete or incorrect work will be returned.

Registration for Interschool - Base Registration is acceptable for Interschool competitions including State Championships, UNLESS you are intending to compete at Nationals, then you would need a Full Horse Registration.

  • All owners must be current Competitor, Participant, Supporter or Commercial members of Equestrian South Australia.
  • The horse must be Microchipped to Australian Standard.
  • You must include a contact telephone number on the form so we can contact you if we have any queries.
  • Horse names must be unique. You cannot use the same name as another horse, nor can you change the spelling slightly or use a variation of the same name. You can check to see if the name is taken by searching the EA Database.
  • You must supply 5 name preferences.
  • Prefix Initials are not permitted, neither are numbers, punctuation marks or special characters.
  • If a horse has been registered with another recognised breed society, it may be EA registered using that name.  This rule also applies to horses being imported into Australia. To use the name, you must supply a copy of the certificate.

 You can register your horse online or by submitting the Registration form to the Equestrian SA office.

Transfer A Horse - $119.35*

If you have purchased a horse that is already registered, you must transfer the horse into your name. To transfer a horse into your name you must be a current financial member of Equestrian SA and the correct membership level to be able to transfer/register a horse. Before you submit a transfer application for your horse, please ensure that the paperwork is complete as incomplete or incorrect forms will be returned.

To transfer the horse into your name you must submit either the ORIGINAL certificate of registration, signed by both the previous and new owner to the Equestrian SA office with payment OR submit a completed transfer of ownership form along with a signed Statutory Declaration form. 

OR NEW - You can now Transfer a Horse Online via your MyEA Portal!

How to transfer a horse in your MyEa Portal - CLICK HERE 

  • Login to your MyEA portal.
  • Select "horse" on the left hand side of "transfers".

This will then take you through to a step by step process which on completion of payment will go to the ESA team for approval.


If you transfer from another state to South Australia your horses will automatically be transferred with you however, you will need to request South Australia competition licences and bridle number (if applicable) for the horses you are currently competing.


Horse Registration 

Nominate Online


Download Paper Form


Transfer of Horse Registration

Download Paper Form


Online How To 


Competition Licence

Nominate Online


Horse Change of Name

View Form


Lease Notification 

View Form  


ESA Measuring Form

Download Form


Statutory Declaration 

View Form



FEI EA National Forms

View National Forms


Stallion Discs & Safe Practices Guidelines

View Guidelines
