Attention Dressage Junior/Young Riders
Due to an error in the Entry Schedule for the 2015 SA Dressage Championships, affecting Juniors/Young Riders, the closing date for entries for this group is extended to Monday 9th March (11:00 pm).
It is not necessary to have a qualification percentage for the classes entered.
However, horses/ponies must be registered with ESA and riders must be a financial member of EA.
Age of Young Riders:
Article 124 – Young Riders, Juniors, Children
1. Athletes may take part in Competitions and Championships for Children from the year they reach the age of 12 until the end of the year they reach the age of 14.
2. Athletes may take part in Competitions and Championships for Juniors from the year they reach the age of 14 until the end of the year they reach 18.
3. Athletes may take part in Competitions and Championships for Young Riders from the beginning of the calendar year they reach the age of 16 until the end of the calendar year they reach the age of 21.
Article 124 – Young Riders, Juniors, Children
1. Athletes may take part in Competitions and Championships for Children from the year they reach the age of 12 until the end of the year they reach the age of 14.
2. Athletes may take part in Competitions and Championships for Juniors from the year they reach the age of 14 until the end of the year they reach 18.
3. Athletes may take part in Competitions and Championships for Young Riders from the beginning of the calendar year they reach the age of 16 until the end of the calendar year they reach the age of 21.