Covid Update - 27th May 2020
The SA Government has now released the details of Step 2 of the Roadmap to Recovery in SA, which includes a return to sporting competition (both contact and non-contact).
From Monday 1 June, equestrian competition can recommence, provided that:
- Social distancing measures are adhered to (1 person per 4sqm and 1.5 m between people)
- Hygiene stations are available and utilised at all communal areas, entries and exits
- A maximum of 20 participants for non-contact outdoor sport, per group
- A maximum of 20 people per indoor non-contact sport venue, with maximum of 10 participants per group
- Participant numbers exclude additional required personnel such as coaches, judges, volunteer and support staff/caregivers, but these should be kept to a minimum
- Maximum of one care-giver per participant, where required
- Maximum of 80 attendees per venue (Including all participants and support personnel)
- That anyone with symptoms of cold/flu do not attend training or competition until they are well.
All clubs and venues are required to complete a COVID-Safe plan (available online, here) and display this at the premises.
This plan should be provided to all participants and attendees to ensure protocols are followed. Total participant numbers will be guided by the density requirements of individual venues, and will be based on information entered in the COVID-Safe Plan.
Step 2 principles
The easing of restrictions for Step 2 is based on a number of principles that have been established from available medical evidence. The 6 principles are designed to limit the ability for COVID-19 to be transmitted and to spread among networks of people. These Principles include:
- Principle 1: Reduce the spread of COVID-19 by reducing the number of close contacts
- Principle 2: Reduce the likelihood that the close contacts you have are sick with a COVID-19 compatible illness
- Principle 3: Limit close contacts to people you know
- Principle 4: Reduce the number of circumstances where close contacts can be created
- Principle 5: Reduce the spread of COVID-19 through body secretions and surfaces
- Principle 6: Identify and manage any outbreak of COVID-19.
You can read the full list of principles here. And the Roadmap to Recovery Step 2, here.