NEWS > General
Posted by manager on 09/02/2021.

ESA Coaching Committee wrap up for 2020 and welcoming 2021

Hi All

Well, what a different and challenging year 2020 has been!  Despite the fires and COVID restrictions, coaches have been lucky enough to continue to have the opportunity to teach everything equestrian.

The ESA Coaching Committee has tried to keep coaches informed of any new developments concerning all things coaching, whilst providing opportunities for coach training and development. 

2021 is a compulsory Coach Update and Coach Educator update year.  The committee is in the process of organising these updates and will inform you all as soon as they are finalised.

We are really trying to encourage new coaches, the upskilling of coaches and fast-tracking potential coaches to EA L1.   If you are interested in becoming a coach or you are an Introductory coach, have you thought about upskilling to EA L1, or Fast-Tracking to L1?  There are 12 amazing Coach Educators and Skill Specific Trainers/Assessors in SA to assist and mentor you to achieve your next coaching goal.

Have you thought of putting in your Coach Profile?  It’s a fantastic opportunity for coaches wanting to show more information about their coaching on the ESA website. 

In 2021 it is the ESACC’s aim to facilitate more group coaching education, professional development opportunities and networking opportunities.  

If you have read the November/December 2020 “In the Arena” EA National Coaches Newsletter, then you may be asking questions about the removal of the EA “waivers”.  We are asking questions on your behalf and are endeavouring to get more information on the “Waiver” situation so that we can keep you all informed.  If you are unsure how this will affect you, please contact the ESACC.

Every coach should have by now received information regarding the new EA Incident and Concussion reporting process.  Training and support using the new reporting process will be available for all EA coaches in early 2021 from the EA National office. 

We hope everyone continues to enjoy their coaching and riding, despite the restrictions imposed upon us by COVID, and we look forward to facilitating exciting coaching opportunities in 2021. 


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