ESA Eventing Discipline Committee Nominees 2023
In 2023 there are 3 vacant Eventing Discipline Committee positions and there are 5 candidates who have been nominated for election:
- Bronnie Juett Name of proposer: Mal Maytom
- Tracey Leigh Name of proposer: Megan Evans
- Lara Pizimolas Name of proposer: Karen Rose
- Heather Ford Name of proposer: Linda Clark
- Jamie Stichel Name of proposer: Ty Manning
Each current eligible ESA Member (18+ only) is entitled to one vote. The outcome of the ballot will result in 3 new Eventing Discipline Committee Members.
The ballot will open immediately; today, Thursday 5th October 2023 and will close at 5pm on Sunday 22nd October 2023.
Given there are 3 vacancies, each voting Member is entitled to vote for 3 candidates. The successful candidates will be declared at the Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 25th October 2023.
Completed voting forms must be emailed to: [email protected]
Click here for the voting slip with the 2023 ESA Eventing Discipline Committee Nominees.