Request for new volunteer working party and committee
As many of ESA Show Horse riders are aware, we are in the process of seeking to appoint a new Discipline Committee for the 2022-2023 membership year.
This committee formation may take time, including needing to be voted on and approved at the upcoming AGM, in October 2022.
After the recent ESA Show Horse working party resignation, the Show Horse Membership and community had the opportunity to present themselves to become committee members of a new temporary working party. ESA announced that the board was seeking a new group of people to lead the working party for the coming two shows and the period to present was extended through this past Queens Birthday long weekend.
In summary, there were no interested people, willing to lead or participate as a formal working party. Understanding this ESA subsequently sought out these alternatives which are now being pursued for the immediate short-term.
Forward view (Short-term Plan)
Therefore, we announce that the Equestrian Australia National Show Horse Committee (EANSHC), will tentatively aim to run the following Show Horse event;
1. Equestrian SA Show Horse of the Year, to be held at Strathalbyn Polo Grounds, Strathalbyn, now rescheduled for 15th and 16th October.
The EA National Show Horse Committee have offered assistance to ESA and will be in attendance to co-ordinate and run the event with the aid of EA & SA volunteers. They also need specific tasks to be taken into the hands of capable volunteers, ideally that live in SA.
Further to this, ESA and EANSHC advise that due to timing and inability to run the following show on short notice, this event is now cancelled;
2. Show Horse Winter Indoor Gala Show, to be held at the Northern Equestrian Centre, Penfield, scheduled for Sunday 14th August 2022.
At this stage the HOTY event is still pending sufficient volunteer support to prepare and deliver this important event. Due to cancellation of the Indoor Gala Show, it is important to advise that the 2022 ESA HOTY QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS are now changed. In other words, the qualifying requirement, to attend the Winter Gala Show, for the 2022 ESA Horse of the Year are now waived due to the cancellation of the ESA Winter Gala show. This eliminates the final qualifying show from the list of nominated qualifying events. We welcome all members to the ESA HOTY.
Pending formation of the new ESA Show Horse Committee by required event entry lead time, may create the potential cancellation of this show on the 2022 calendar;
3. Show Horse Spring Gala Show, to be held at the Clare Showgrounds, Clare, scheduled for Sunday 20th November 2022.
Attention Potential Volunteers – Equestrian SA Show Horse of the Year - We need your help!
The EANSHC have formatted a list for the HOTY job tasks below. These tasks are to be assigned by Kerry Patchett the current chair for EANSHC.
The EANSHC need immediate support if this is to go ahead. If SA volunteers can advise Kerry by this weekend, on Monday 20th June a decision to go ahead or cancel can transpire.
- Change of date for the HOTY event to 15th & 16th October, confirmed by ESA Office.
- The budget will be held by Kerry Patchett & ESA Office to provide 2021 model
- Through Care alliance and associated duties will need a new volunteer
- The event schedule will be developed by Kerry will be available to the members following confirmation of the 4 judges for the event. (to be posted on facebook in the next 2 weeks now we have a date confirmed).
- FB notifications -Allocated
- ESA Website updates – the ESA office will handle website updates, with content provided by Kerry.
- All event participant email enquiries will be forwarded to Kerry by the ESA office.
- ESA Show Horse own a float that carries most of their equipment. A volunteer in SA will be needed to collect the float and take it to the grounds Friday morning for set up and will also need to take it home with them on Sunday afternoon after the show finishes.
Event Operations
- Judges – Allocated
- Judge airfares, accommodation, transfers -Allocated
- Rugs, Ribbons & Garlands – allocated
- Program – allocated amend and edit for the 2022 show.
- Entries will be done via NOMINATE
- Scoring – Sally Smith
- Catering – Oskar & Co- we have confirmed he is available for the event.
- Announcer – TBC
- Catalogue and breast plate numbers - Allocated
- Office Staff – needed both days – volunteers needed
- EA team will attend to assist at event
- Measuring – Denise Fenwick confirmed, Alyson Emery steward. Measuring to be held 15,16 October.
- Announcer – TBC
- Ringmaster – TBC
- Photographer - TBC
- Entry check following the close of entries: the ESA office will be required to do the entry check as volunteers and myself do not have access to the data base. Details that require checking: horse registration, membership of both owner and rider.
- Ring set up Thursday or Friday – will need to be done bySA volunteers
- Ring pull down Sunday evening – need to be done by SA volunteers
- Photo area to be set up Friday - SA volunteers
- Marshalls 3-4 needs to be organised – SA volunteers needed for this – we can advertise on FB for marshalls.
- SPONSORSHIP – task has been allocated
- Marquees are required for the sponsor tent and judges tent. – SA Volunteers to duplicate the marquees as per last year.
Note: A group of SA competitors have offered to do some of the above tasks before and after completion of the event. Theses and all other individuals need to contact Kerry Patchett to confirm the duties assigned.
Kerry’s contact email: [email protected] Note: Please note Kerry has a job and will respond in her available time. Thank you for your patience.
Yours in Show Horse,