Message from the new Chair of Equestrian SA Board
Dear Members
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the new Chair of the ESA Board. Whilst I shall write an introduction in the ‘Horses Mouth’ in due course, I thought it important to reach out to you as soon as possible.
I was appointed as a Board member following a casual vacancy being created by the resignation of Dr Michael Haese. I provided my CV and application form in the appropriate manner and was accepted for the casual vacancy. At the November 7th Board meeting I was nominated for the position of Chairman.
As a person on the fringe of equestrian events, the Board regarded me as independent of any particular discipline or speciality and therefore asked me to accept their nomination as Chair. I accepted on the understanding that my challenges include building on the Board’s governance and communication responsibilities. I am particularly keen to support our membership and encourage a culture which allows all members to contribute to the organisation, enjoy their horses and share in the benefits of being part of the equine community, whether in interschool, recreation or competition, and at all levels.
I see one of my first tasks as listening to members and understanding how the ESA works, what members would like to see from their association and how we can all work together to help grow all areas of equestrian activity in a supportive and productive environment.
In the first quarter of 2017 a joint meeting will be conducted between all discipline chairs and support members to discuss the functions and relationships of the Board, the Discipline Committees and the relevant key stake holders and members.
In the meantime, I have written to all the Discipline Chairs seeking to meet and discuss their concerns and ideas for 2017.
I look forward to meeting with the disciplines and membership base.
Joe Hooper
Equestrian SA Chair