NEWS > General
Posted by manager on 04/07/2024.

Sports Vouchers

Have you heard of 'Sports Vouchers'??

The Sports Vouchers program provides a discount of up to $100 on sport fees including Equestrian, for children living in South Australia in Reception to Year 9 (born 2009-2019). 1 voucher applies per child per calendar year across all sports.

The aim is to increase the number of children participating in physical activity by helping to reduce cost as a barrier!

Equestrian SA is a registered provider with this program which means if your child is eligible you can apply!! With 2024/25 Membership now due, it's the perfect time to look into this incentive! 
All you need to do is pay your ESA Membership fees, download the form below, fill it out and send it back to us! We will then send the form onto Sports Vouchers and process your $100 refund! 

For more information and to check eligibility, go to:

Or to download the form, go to:


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