NEWS > Jumping
Posted by manager on 29/08/2024.

Trial Jumping Minimum Medical Requirements (MMR): September 1st - December 31st

As part of a nation-wide initiative, we would like to announce the introduction of a Jumping Minimum Medical Requirements (MMR) Trial, from September 1st until December 31st. During this period, we are asking all clubs and Organising Committees (OCs) to report the level of medical coverage they provide at their competitions compared to a trial set of MMRs. The goal is to gather clear and specific data regarding the cost, availability, and practicality of achieving a certain standard of medical response at our events.

Why the MMR Trial?

The trial introduces a target set of MMRs to serve as a benchmark. These are not yet final or mandated standards but are designed to give us something to aim for and gather valuable data. While some competitions may already meet or even exceed these MMRs, others may face challenges due to availability, cost, or other reasons. This trial will help us understand these challenges and collect data to inform future decisions.

What We Need from You

For each competition held during the trial period, we are asking OCs and clubs to report whether they can meet the MMRs or if they will need to seek a variation. If a variation is required, you will need to:

  • Explain the reason for the variation (e.g., availability, cost).
  • Provide the cost implications of meeting the recommended minimum standard.
  • Specify the level of medical service that is actually provided at the event.

To simplify the process, each OC or club will be asked to complete a short form for each competition.

Required MMRs – Personnel & Vehicle/Equipment


  • One responder qualified as Advanced First Aid HLTAID014 & Pain Management PUAEME 008


  • One responder (to make a team of two) qualified as Basic First Aid HLTAID011


Transport Around Venue (if required): a vehicle enabling them to access all necessary parts of the venue

Equipment: Equipment necessary to support Advanced First Aid HLTAID014 responder

Applicability of the Trial

Please note that this trial only applies to competitive events where places are awarded, regardless of height (close or open). It does not apply to training days.  Training days may include competitions with no prizemoney.  If the event has prizemoney in any class it cannot be classified as a training day. 

How to Report

The reporting process is straightforward. The form will first ask if your medical personnel and equipment comply with the MMR. If the answer is yes, no further questions are required. If the answer is no, you will be asked to specify the personnel and equipment you are providing and to quantify the availability, cost, or other issues that prevent your competition from meeting the MMRs.

Access the Trial Competition MMR Reporting and Variation Form

The Trial Competition MMR Reporting and Variation Form can be accessed via the following link or by scanning the QR below.

 Variation Form

We appreciate your cooperation in this important trial, which will help us ensure the safety and well-being of all participants in our equestrian competitions.

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