The South Australian Department of Education is now offering students the opportunity to undertake formal training in Equine studies, with their own school's assistance and the use of Equestrian Australia educational materials.
This exciting development allows students to undertake up to eight modules of Equestrian Australia’s nationally recognised courses and on completion be awarded SACE credits.
All modules are self paced with assessment by a qualified Coach Educator/EA Skills Specific Coach.
Digital copies of the Introductory Level workbooks can be purchased online - CLICK HERE
It is the 'Introductory Horse Management' & 'Introductory Riding' resources that are required to begin.
These modules provide an important stepping stone into many career paths within the Australian Equine Industry as well as consolidating knowledge that will aid students in pursing tertiary qualifications in Equine studies.
Students enrolling can train with any coach but must be assessed by an EA Registered Coach Educator or Skill Specific Trainer Assessor. Find a full list of Coaches, Coach Educators & SSTA's - HERE
Each module has 10 SACE credits or one unit and are awarded under the SACE - Community Learning Program.
For a full list of Community Programs & SACE credit allocations - CLICK HERE
Scroll down to page 4 for Sports Skills & Management Programs (Equine) available for SA Students.
Getting started is easy - chat to your school about getting involved through their SACE educator, then download the form below and return to Equestrian SA.
Contact Equestrian SA E: [email protected]