NEWS > General
Posted by manager on 29/06/2020.

Update to COVID Restrictions - 29 June 2020

Following from the last COVID-19 Update on 19 June 2020, the followng updates have been announced for South Australia.

From Monday 29 June the following easing of restrictions will apply:

  • Density requirement will be reduced to 1 per 2sqm
  • No maximum for rooms, groups or venues
  • Contact indoor sport competition is permitted
  • Gatherings over 1000 will require a dedicated COVID Management Plan – A template will be made available via the Department of Health
  • COVID-Safe plans are still required – they will be automatically updated and emailed out to organisations that have already completed them
  • Indoor sport must have their attendance record completed and available
  • Aim to keep 1.5m away from others wherever possible


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