NEWS > Driving
Posted by manager on 17/10/2024.

Call for Nominations for Carriage Driving Discipline Committee Members

Do you drive or have you been curious about Carriage Driving? 


You would have received an email yesterday calling for Nominations for Discipline Committee members.


The Driving SA DC has been in recess for several years, however the Board would like to offer members the opportunity to change that status.

Being on a committee is a big ask, but your ESA Board wants to give drivers and those interested in driving, the opportunity to reshape and restart Carriage Driving in South Australia.

We are looking for five (or more) keen folks to meet via zoom on a regular basis to work on ideas to spread the Carriage Driving message and engage new drivers as well as ways to perhaps take a leaf out of the ‘South Burnett Equestrian Group’, and team up with other ESA clubs in other disciplines (eventing, we are looking at you) to run activities and potentially events.

SBEG has been wildly successful in Queensland and in October will host a huge carriage driving training event at Nanango which is a tiny town that has simply embraced the sport.

While we gaze jealously across the border, there is no reason why another small group in SA can’t benefit from SBEG’s experience for the benefit of ESA members. If you haven’t discovered them yet, you can check it out on Facebook

The Chair of Driving Queensland also runs the 'Learn the Sport of (Carriage) Driving' Facebook page, which is worth a look as well.

ESA offers some unique benefits to the carriage driving world including a disability driving pathway, and a Board that is committed to the development of all disciplines at all levels for the benefit of all members whether you compete or not.

Pony driving is booming in the harness racing world, and we’d love to capture some of those young drivers by looking at what we can do differently to attract more people to the sport we love, and make it inclusive and accessible, while consistently aiming to improve safety and horse welfare with social licence in mind.

You don't need to be a driver. In fact, the best people to be on a discipline committee may be those who have had previous experience in another EA discipline, at the all-important Club event organising, or as an EA coach or Dressage judge, or maybe high-level Eventing rider.

Your prior knowledge of how EA works, as well as being on the front foot re: consideration of safety and horse welfare issues, would be immensely useful to a new SA Driving committee.

If you would like to put your hand up, please contact [email protected]

We look forward to hearing from you!


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