Dressage SA Judges Committee

The Dressage Judges Committee (DJC) Consists of:

Chair - Liz Duncan  E: [email protected]

Committee - Verity Hayman, Fiona Heysen, Tracy Tillman and Brigitte Drinkwater.

The Dressage Judges Sub-Committee is a Sub-Committee of the ESA Dressage Committee. Queries about rules, seminars/events or becoming a judge can be directed to members of the Subcommittee via the group email address [email protected] .

The objectives of the DSA-DJSC are to ensure all Judge and Official re-accreditation requirements can be met on an annual basis, recruit new Judges and Officials into the sport of Dressage and to educate our Judges and riders as to the requirements of the sport.


Re-Accreditation Diary - Updated June 2022

For those who are current Dressage Judges, please CLICK HERE to access the Judges Diary for 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2025.


To access the Dressage Officials information on the Equestrian Australia webiste CLICK HERE

This page includes 'Useful Documents for Judges & Riders', 'How to Become A Dressage Judge Workbook' dowloads, expense forms, fast track application forms, assessment forms and more!